Sunday, May 29, 2011

Day 4

Okay so i havent run, and it's been 2 days since running after about a month now.
Not feeling to good about it, like my teeth havent been brushed. Attended my Dads friedns party
drank some kinda peach, apple moonshine stuff. "OH theirs like no alchohol you can taste", well if it dosent go down without a burn i dont think its much of a put-you-on-your-ass kinda liquor. In my opinion at least.
One can say anything about their weed, alchohol, anything without tasting the best.
But what if the best just took you the fuck out and knocked you out of this world/reality, to the point you blacked out.
Would it of been much of a expirence, if the only positive way of thinking about it was "How fucked up you got"?

If i questioned everything about life, what kinda life am i to live.

Im talking with the head thats seen/felt/heard/everything DMT effects, I can't put into words what i have expirenced, nor can I say what ive done is anything to be expressed.
Lets just say thats its almost completely taken me away from how i need to act.

But not without forgetting what they needed to take all of long. Somthing i cant even explain what it might be.


  1. I want to know about your dungeon.

  2. Rough through buddy, and I hate the feeling of dirty teeth as well, ha.

  3. Good stuff, tell us more about the DMT experience sometime.

  4. Sounds like one hell of a night. And yeah, tell us about the DMT!

  5. Ugh.. Yeah. Scope and brush your teeth. Drink a 2L of coke or pepsi and take a shower. It will really help the downer you are feeling.

    After that it is just a waiting game untily you are back to normal.

    Lots of luck! I want to see you better soon so that we can get more Minecraft news!

  6. Cool, last night i got hammered with Vodka and a few smokes i know what you mean man.

  7. XD

    Feel better bro, I'm a whiskey man myself.

  8. A bit a philosophy in this post, even if I didn't understand it all, I still liked it.

  9. this is a blog mmmm

  10. Haha sounds crazy mate! I did not have any luck with my DMT :(
